I don't want to forget about these people.
But i don't have enough room for all of them here. ::taps heart::
I need to take them out, but not take them away.
Not sure where/how to get started; i've already posted three of these on my first blog, 3 of my friends who've died. I think that i will leave them there, as they are perhaps more hefty and more valuable than the randoms (no offense, random lovely folks) i will be listing here.
Hm. Okay! Looking a little more at some of the other x365 posters, it looks like not everybody is going with a harsh word-numbering restriction. Honestly, i'm not sure it's fair to demand that each person i remember be categorized with the same number of words. After all, then we wouldn't have such gems as Barbara's #31. I quite like the anonymous tenderness she expresses there. Although, i do admit that i have a (very bad) tendency to drag things on. In my defense, it's because i type things exactly as i would say them, and that i often talk too much. And yes, i suppose that that is not a good thing. Sometimes less is more, and all that. So i say to Dan, the creator of x365, that i will not abide by his guideline #4:
- decide if you're going to go with the original recipe your age = your number of words or if you want to modify it in some way (haiku, 10 five word lines, whatever, it's all good if you're writing)
"You are absolutely allowed to "change the rules" to suit yourself. However, you should also realize that to the best of my knowledge no one who has changed the rules to make it easier (less restrictions) has actually completed all 365—one person who made it harder (added restrictions) completed their 365. It's the challenge that will keep you going."
Hm. Don't toy with my emotions, Dan!! Don't tell me it's okay, then passive-aggressively admonish me for the thought. (okay, maybe now i'm just projecting.)
In any case, i'm getting a little off-track here. Maybe i should just say this:
I will make the list.
It might be less than 365.
It might be more.
I will write as many words as it takes for the description to be right.
...i do hereby sincerely promise to make an effort not to write any long entries. And what do i mean by "long", exactly? Well, i'm not actually sure about that, see ;)
::sigh:: Must this be so complicated? I guess this is why he went with the age rule; my problem with that is that i am 28, which ain't exactly a whole lot of words to go with. We'll see what happens.
I guess i should just stay loose. Unattached from x365 officially. But hereby offering a big shout-out to him for the inspiration. :) There! Now i'm not breaking any rules ;)
And so it begins.....!
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