Tuesday, May 27

#13, Rachel.

Rachel was my good childhood friend, as sweet as the summer days were long. The backyard of her house shared a fence with the one around our apartment building, and i suppose one day our parents introduced the 2 young girls who were probably always curiously watching each other play.
One afternoon my sister and i were over at her house, and we were all jumping on the bed in her room. I remember also playing dress-up. i couldn't find a particular shoe's mate, so my sister came over to the closet to help me find it. When we turned around, Rachel was gone. Just... gone. We called her name timidly, looked in the hall, nothing. Then we heard the screaming and yelling. I remember feeling sick to my stomach as we crept over to the open window near the bed, and looked over the sill. She had fallen right out the window, down two stories, landing flat on her face. A pool of blood was spreading out around her head. Her mom was screaming. i think my sister and i ran out of the house and back to our apartment. i remember a helicopter taking Rachel away, and we never saw her again. They moved later that year. i heard later that she was "fine". What is "fine", anyway?

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