Friday, May 30

#24, Ronnie.

Aw, Ronnie. It breaks my heart to think of you! You had a crush on me when we worked together at the art store. When they introduced the "employee wall", and you put your painting up, i couldn't believe how good it was. You had a bird-like face, and a long, blonde ponytail. You were sort of a stoner hippy, always wearing corduroys, and such a sweetheart. You wrote me the first (and only?) love note i ever got, even though it was more of a tortured pouring out of your heart after i told you i couldn't go out with you. I was in a self-hating time in my life, to the extreme, and i just couldn't believe that anyone could or would ever seriously like me (i'd been burned a lot in the past). It was really hard to have to tell you that. Last i saw you, years ago, you'd bought a small drum machine and were moving to Oregon. I never paid you the sixty bucks for the painting, which i still have, until a few months ago when i looked you up online. It was nice to find you again, Ronnie. Hope life treats you well.

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