Wednesday, June 25

#45 and #46, Jacob and Clare.

They were a young brother-and-sister team who lived across the street from our apartment building, next door to Maudelle. I can't remember their parents for the life of me, but the children were hardly ever let outside to play. They were both fair-haired, i think, and Jacob's was supremely curly and fluffy. He never smiled, and neither did Clare (Clara?). I felt bad for them. Their house had a little tiny white picket fence in front of it. The whole family was something of an enigma to the rest of us chickens. The little girl had a huge puffy birthmark on her upper arm that we were never to look at or talk about or point at or ask about. All of this hush-hushing only made the "problem" worse, in my opinion. If i ever run into either of these two again, i am going to make it a point to bring it up. I honestly think we could have all been friends, if not for all of the walking on eggshells.

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