Saturday, November 12

#85, Rollerskates.

You came flying down the street.
i was at work, buried under a mound of boxes, all filled with vases (FRAGILE: GLASS). It was loud, and chaotic that day. i never saw you. i laughed at something a co-worker said, and stepped out from behind the tall stack of boxes, onto the sidewalk.
With a whoosh and a suddenness, both exclaiming, we collided– only neither of us really spoke, as we grabbed each other and your velocity carried us, one, two, three, and four graceful steps down the sidewalk; a whirling ballet. i kept ahold of my Sharpie and you never lost your footing. We were both surprised when, as you let go and continued on with that unstoppable force of forward motion, nothing was broken. No one fell, or hurt one another. Everything was in its right place, just lightly adjusted. No one saw a thing, and you smiled and waved at my shocked face. i think i waved back, motionless.